Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Why Obama Cancelled His Trip to Visit Wounded Soldiers in Germany

Note originally published July 28, 2008

Let's see here, I think I can tell you the real reason why Obama never showed up to visit the wounded soldiers at Landstuhl... But first, here's what Obama himself gave as his reason. Obama said it would be "inappropriate to make a stop to visit troops at a U.S. military facility as part of a trip funded by the campaign." In other words, it would be innappropriate for a Presidential candidate to visit the troops while on the campaign trail. I see something wrong with that... how would visiting soldiers hinder a campaign - would his campaign financeers object to their candidate meeting the soldiers he might one day be in charge of leading? Then, Obama's advisor comes out and claims it's because the "Pentagon said the visit would be viewed as a campaign event." So now the Obama camp is blaming it on the Pentagon, and in typical democrat fashion trying to take a slap at (what they like to call) the "Bush administration" while they're at it. Obama's right, it would have have looked like a campaign event if Obama had had his way with bringing in his media entourage. As a humble nurse working on the MedSurg ward, I've seen a number of VIP's visit the soldiers here, including senators and government officials, they all pass through here to visit and thank the soldiers, and many do not have a photographer accompanying them - and if they do, it's always a military photographer. The same rules that applied to Obama during his visit to the military bases in Iraq and Afghanistan apply to Landstuhl Regional Medical Center, and the exact same rules that applied to Obama also apply to all the VIP's that visit the military bases, including the President of the United States. The real reason Obama cancelled his trip to Landstuhl is because when he saw his media entourage wasn't going to be permitted to turn his visit to soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan into a campaign photo frenzy, Obama decided visiting Landstuhl wasn't worth his time. Obama's only objective here at Landstuhl was the photo op he hoped to get out of it.

Since when has visiting American wounded soldiers ever been considered "innappropriate"? Instead of thanking our soldiers for the sacrifices they made, he decided to spend his time campaigning for Germans and and by his own admission, "going to work out." I hope Americans will see this as insight into the priorities of a potential Commander-in-Chief if Barrack Hussein Obama is elected to lead our troops. He clearly cares nothing for the US soldier.

This is not the first time Obama has snubbed the military community, either. Just a couple weeks ago, Obama was requested to participate in a nationally televised town hall meeting with the military community and the Presidential candidates. It was to be held at the largest military installation, Ft. Hood. And the CBS news network agreed to televise the event. Sen John McCain agreed to be present. The only person who wouldn't commit... Barrack Hussein Obama. Why? He had his campaign rep citing "scheduling conflicts." The truth is, Obama had been told the projected date was Aug 11, however if this date conflicted with his schedule, Obama was asked suggest alternate dates that would be more conveniant for him and they would work with on the scheduling. Carissa Picard, managing director of the Fort Hood Presidential Town Hall Consortium, and spouse of a deployed Blackhawk pilot, describes how the town hall meeting plans are going. “I’m having extreme difficulty getting the Obama campaign to commit to this event, and we do not understand why,” said Mrs. Picard, “We made it very clear to them that if they would commit to the event, we would work with them on dates.” At a time when a lot is being asked of the military community to protect the freedoms of America, and of its military families are making huge sacrifices by undergoing multiple deployments, shouldn't a man vying to become the Commander-in-Chief of this military at least make himself available to address the concerns and needs of the military?

(I didn't write this because I was upset Obama never showed up here. Trust me, I was NOT looking forward to meeting Obama. I joked with my fellow staff that day that as a conscientious objector, I might have had to refuse the duty of taking Obama on a tour of the ward if he had visited - but I knew, he would never show up. And, of course, my expressed opinions are mine alone and not as a representative for the Army.)


- Obama, International Man of Citizenry, and his Speech to the Berliners - A Public Highjacking and Perversion of President Reagan's Famous Brandenburg Speech -

So Obama kicks off his Berlin Speech in front of the phallic pillar, Victory Column, with a rock concert by two very popular German bands. You would be made to believe by all the photo ops put on by his media entourage that all these people are present to witness the one-man Obama Rock Star Messiah Tour. He starts off by thanking everybody but his mother. Then, he introduces himself, "not as a candidate for president... but as a fellow citizen of the world." Which is laughable because that's the WHOLE REASON he's there! He can't even be honest about that fact, that's the reason he originally gave for opting out of visiting our US soldiers, because it was a misuse of his campaign? Plus, if he's proclaiming himself to be a "citizen of the world", I'd expect during an address to the German people he would at least attempt to speak a single word of German. And what's the matter with just simply introducing himself as a citizen of America? Is that not good enough... now he's got to be a citizen of the entire world, as if being an American isn't good enough.

He then says,"I know... that I don't look like... the Americans who have previously spoken." Oh my goodness, I think we all know what he means by this, I was laughing so hard begging him to please stop it. Lest we forget... Poor Barack Hussein Obama who was forced to grow up black and poor, and with big ears - which apperantly nobody is allowed to mention because he's "sensitive" about them. He announces his father was a goatherder in Kenya - to which was greeted by a lot cheering Germans. YEAAAH, FOR GOATS!!!? I guess Germans love their goats? Maybe they thought he said his father was a goat -- brings back memories for them of President Kennedy's memorable pronouncement, "Eiche bein eine Berliner" (translated, "I am a jelly donut"). And of course, he had to highlight upon the obligatory, my grandfather was a "servant to the British". Servant to the British?! According to Obama, Grandpa had to appeal to American universities - during the Cold War - to rescue him from Brittain so he could attain "the freedom and opportunity promised by the West." Whoa, whoa is Brittain hearing this?? Seriously, Obama, it's not like it was 1700's and he was being forced into slavery by the British. I suppose now this means the whole world, not just America, owes him something, because he's got the blood of servants in him.

Obama then launches into a long-winded and most depressing retelling of the history of the recovery from WWII I think that's ever been told. He starts it off by saying:

"And you know that the only reason we stand here tonight is because men and women from both of our nations came together to work, and struggle, and sacrifice for that better life. Ours is a partnership that truly began sixty years ago this summer, on the day when the first American plane touched down at Templehof."

Obama's re-writing history here, he downplays the role of the Americans. It wasn't some "partnership" we had with the Germans. Germany was divided between 4 nations after the Germans surrendered to us. We fought the Nazi Germans, pinned them down and defeated them, and they surrendered to us - they didn't partner with us. For West Germany, we told them to take a democratic form of government. It was not a "partnership", Obama. We, AMERICA, were the gracious victors who bailed the Germans out of the crappy situation they had gotten themselves after embracing Nazism, by pouring billions of American dollars to boost their economy with the Marshall Plan. We, AMERICA, protected the Germans in Berlin from being overrun by the Russian Communists staying put to provide security, and we provided the West Berliners with food and supplies with the Berlin Airlift.

You want a real example of "partnership", Obama? Iraq. Al Anbar. That's an example of our American military and Iraqi civilians partnering to defend the right to freedom from terror. A country where you, and your Democrat cronies - Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid - claim the war is lost! It's the dems who are the only ones who cannot and WILL NOT acknowledge that the US military has been very successful in bringing reform to Iraq.

-- This note is still being worked on --

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Stealing the Minnesota Election

Currently, Senate Republican candidate Norm Coleman holds the lead over his Democrat contender Al Franken, but that lead has dropped from 725 to 206 in the past 11 days. Apperantly Minnesota election officials felt with the close race there needed to be a recount to assess for "typos" on these machine-read ballots. The Democratic Senatorial Campaing Committee (DSCC) is distributing email flyers asking for volunteers help recount MN ballots. Their mission? Taken from their website, DSSC's "Mission is to elect Democrats to the United States Senate. We are the largest organization solely dedicated to electing a Democratic Senate in the country. From grass-roots organizing to candidate recruitment to providing campaign funds for tight races, the DSCC is working hard all year, every year to increase the number of Democratic Senators." Their ad asks its members to act as recount volunteers and features a winking Sarah Palin, it states, "If you can count, we need you in Minnesota by November 16 for training." ;)

Hmmm, did I see ACORN's hand just go up???

Thus far, the recount has produced 450 new votes for Franken, and not a single new vote for Coleman. This Senate race in MN is a critical race for Republicans, because if Coleman can hold off Franken for the win in Minnesota, and Republcans win the 2 other close Senate races still being counted in AK and GA, then the Republicans will be able to at least have the numbers in the Senate to employ the filibuster option if needed to prevent what is shaping up to be the most liberal Congress and President in American history from executing their socialist agenda "ram plan" for the nation with out any checks or balances from an opposing party. George Washington warned of the dangers of a party system in his Farewell address to the nation, in which political parties could turn the government from a group of individuals interested in making decisions in the best interests of the future of the nation, into a group of politicians with a herd mentality - only acting in the interest of their parties furtherance.

Video -

An economist and senior research scholar at University of Maryland, John Lott Jr, provided this analysis of the suspicious recount results-,2933,449334,00.html

I find it VERY interesting that the secretary of state himself, Mark Ritchie, has connections to ACORN and Once again, another road we see leading to ACORN and similar radical liberal leftist groups. ACORN, that same, supposed "non-partisan" charity group of "community organizers"(its “non-partisan” status allows it to receive taxpayer funding - which ACORN almost got away with a 20% cut of the $700-billion bailout bill this year in an original draft of the bailout bill – it would be interesting to know who submitted this earmark to the bill).

ACORN's claim to be "non-partisan" is a joke.

Acorn is now infamous for attempting to register hundreds of thousands of fraudulent voter registration forms across America, and its ACORN chapters are under federal investigation in at least 14 states. Matthew Vadum, in his article “SOS in Minnosota” published in American Spectator, points out Sec . of State Mark Ritchie “extensive ties” to ACORN. In Ritchie’s 2006 campaign for Sec. of State, the Minnesota ACORN Political Action Committee endorsed Ritchie and donated to his campaign. Ritchie was also formerly a “community organizer himself. And, Ritchie also received financial “contributions from liberal philanthropists George Soros, Drummond Pike, and Deborah Rappaport, along with veteran community organizer Heather Booth, a Saul Alinsky disciple who co-founded the Midwest Academy, a radical ACORN clone.” Ritchie's 2006 campaign website “brags about the fine work ACORN did in Florida to pass a constitutional amendment to raise that state's minimum wage.” When complaint was filed by an conservative election fraud watch group who stated there were “261,000 duplicative registrations and 63,000 voters listing an address that the post office reported was ‘non-deliverable,’” Ritchie accused them of creating a “new level of desperateness” and attempting to cast doubt over the election outcome. But is it any wonder that conservatives should be concerned about liberals robbing the election when this election season we have seen ACORN brag about registering record numbers of new voters, only to find 400,000 of those 450,000 new voter applications had to be rejected, due to “duplicate registrations, fraudulent submissions, and incomplete forms.” Let’s see here, this year alone we have seen ACORN attempt to register Mickey Mouse in FL, a 7-yr old in CT, the entire starting line-up of the Dallas Cowboys team, and a pizza delivery boy in OH who submitted 73 applications at ACORN workers bribing and pleading – the sheer arrogance displayed by the ACORN organization is astounding, yet they still receive federal funds and democrat politicians’ endorsement. I think it’s pretty obvious what ACORN is trying to do - they hope to at least get a few fraudulent forms slipped past election officials, but to do this they flood the elections official’s office with so many applications, fraudulent or not, to overwhelm the election offices, meanwhile ACORN and its liberal allies like Ritchie demand “that every vote count!” It’s all for the purpose of breaking down the system. It’s the same tactic their parent anti-capitalist organization, the National Welfare Rights Organization (NWRO) used in the 60’s when they overwhelmed welfare offices in order to prove they couldn’t handle processing such an influx of dependant adults and therefore should ease eligibility requirements for welfare enrollment (Kurtz, NRO, 29MAY08). This “flooding tactic” worked in Ohio, when OH Sec. of State Brunner ran crying to the Supreme Court when ordered to review 200,000 suspicious applications, and Supreme Court justices essentially ruled, ‘Go ahead and cheat, Mrs. Brunner.’ ACORN tries to scapegoat the hundreds of thousands of fraudulent and invalid applications on a “few bad apples.” Few bad apples? It seems more like it would take an entire organization to cause this much damage. But that’s why they’re under investigation now.

But what is concerning in this MN case, is that it must be pointed out ACORN is clearly linked to Barack Obama and his far left liberal cronies. Not only did Barack Obama contribute $832,598 to ACORN. Toni Foulkes, a Chicago ACORN leader and a member of ACORN’s National Association Board, discusses in an article he submitted to Social Policy magazine, ACORN’s involvement in assisting Obama in the 2004 election to the IL senate seat, in a record breaking landslide of 73% of the vote, and boosted Obama from obscurity to national fame after being tapped to deliver the keynote address at the Democrat Convention. Despite ACORN’s non-partisan status, his jubilation at getting one of their own elected to the IL senate seat could not be contained, he writes: “But in some elections we get to have our cake and eat it too: work on nonpartisan voter registration and GOTV, which also turns out to benefit the candidate that we hold dear.” ACORN is clearly serving its own self-interest in boosting liberal democrats, in this Obama, to power. A “win at any price” does seem to be ACORN’s philosophy. With connections like these, when we see Ritchie, who should be an impartial character, make public allegations that the Republican party is campaigning to “win at any price,” one must question if this lack of impartiality might be an indication of Ritchie and his liberal allies tactic to “win at any cost,” including using positions of public authority to throw the election.

With such a narrow margin of lead, and with the dramatic drop from 700 votes to 200, one can see how even 500 fraudulant votes supplied by ACORN or dishonest election officials, could throw the election towards the party attempting to steal the election.

"You ain't trying, if you ain't cheatin'!"

New Hampshire Ballotboxes Recount

Please reference:

NY Times - "Group’s Tally of New Voters Was Vastly Overstated" - 24OCT2008

NRO - "Inside Obama's Acorn" - Stanley Kurtz, 29MAY2008

Social Policy - "Case Study: Chicago-The Barack Obama Campaign" - Toni Foulkes, Spring2004

American Spectator - "SoS in Minnesota" - Matthew Vadum, 7NOV2008

Minneapolis Star Tribue - Coleman vs. Franken: The Rematch - Curt Brown, 16NOV2008

Democratic Senate Campaign Committee Website

George Washington's Farewell Address

For updates on where the MN senate race:

Minneapolis Star Tribune website

Sunday, November 2, 2008

My Story

** This document is not yet finished. **

(First, let me preface this blog as I am legally bound to say that the opinions expressed in this blog are mine alone, and not representative of the U.S. military.)

I'm an Army nurse, and it has been my great honor and privilege to care for the wounded soldiers coming from the war in Iraq and Afghanistan. My time in has been relatively brief, 3-1/2 years. But in just these few years, I have seen enough to know the cause these men are fighting for in Iraq and Afghanistan is a just cause and many of us would not be serving if we ourselves did not feel it to be so. Those who disagree... have since left the service... and probably headed north for Canada (just kidding. Most conscientous objectors have since left the service). I want to share with those interested to listen, my observations over this period of time I have spent in service to these great men...

I was blessed with the opportunity to start my nursing career under the mentorship of the nurses at the U.S. Army Institute for Surgical Research Burn Center at Brookes Army Medical Center in Fort Sam Houston, TX. There you will find the world's greatest burn nurses and doctors who work daily saving the lives of our American soldiers who have suffered what is truly the most devastating injury a human being can ever suffer - Burns.

During those few months, I had the opportunity to meet some great men... soldiers and national leaders. Us Army Nurses, we all have our stories to tell, and we all have at least one or two patients that live in our memories and in our hearts. There are many Army nurses with much longer and more experienced stories to tell than I, but this is my humble story. And I would like to tell you about one such encounter:

As a brand new nurse, I cared for a patient on the step-down Burn unit and he had been wounded in a terrible IED blast, possibly an EFP blast (EFP - explosively formed penetrator, the most deadly weapon our enemy has used against us on the battlefield and it's being supplied by Iran, and its essentially a projectile formed from a super-heated ball of molten metal that was able to penetrate through the vehicle armoring at the time like a hot knife through butter). The muslim radical terrorists were pairing these bombs up with tanks of gasoline or flammable fuel to create spectacular fire balls, which they would film and then mail off to news agencies like Al-Jazeera or CNN to wage their PR media war. Well, when I first met this soldier, I think he was maybe a few weeks out from the time of his injury. He had burns all over, I'd be lying if I gave you an estimate of the percentage of his body that was burned, I just knew he had burns all over of varying degrees... but it was especially bad to his legs. To prevent the swelling that results from a burn from cutting off circulation through his legs, the docs downrange had performed what was called a fasciotomy... two slices on either side of the calf to relieve pressure. So in addition to the burns, he also had two large open wounds on his legs that we packed with saline-soaked gauze twice a day to debride and aid with tissue regeneration to try to close the wound. But the most tragic injury of all was the traumatic brain damage he suffered in the blast... his mental ability was that of a toddler. I'm not sure if he ever understood a word I said to him. But it was clear he knew his pain... he knew his legs hurt. He would just wave his one leg back and forth in the air, moaning. We'd give him pain medication, which would help some, but he'd keep waving his leg back and forth. He was unable to do mundane things most people take for granted, like feed himself, put on his glasses, or much less carry on a conversation. Once in a while, as I talked with him, he would make eye contact. Sometimes, he would get frustrated during what I perceived as he wanted to communicate something, but was unable to do so. Being a new nurse and not yet having that intuitive knowledge that comes with experience, I tried to encourage him and reassure him, but I'd always thank him for what he had done in Iraq. His wife flew in a little later with their baby daughter, he had the most adorable baby girl, whom he had never met prior to his injury. She was a beautiful little baby girl! Even if he couldn't express it, everyone knew, he was a very proud Papa!

Well, that New Years Day in 1996, President Bush came to the Burn Center to visit the wounded soldiers and their families. President Bush spent at least 10- to 15-min in each patient's room, visiting with the patients, encouraging them and thanking them on behalf of a grateful nation for their tremendous sacrifice for the protection of this great country. He gave each wounded soldier one of the most coveted coins you could ever receive, the Commander-In-Chief coin, which if you have ever spent any time in the military, you would know soldiers love to collect these coins and commanders love to give them out. But the POTUS coin (President of the United States) will trump any other coin at the bar. It's also an honor to be coined. President Bush also presented 9 soldiers with Purple Hearts that day for their wounds suffered in battle in service to the protection of our nation from terror.

When it came time for President Bush to enter into this patient's room, I helped him get gowned and gloved up (you have to put on a new gown prior to entering each patient's room because burn patients are very susceptible to infection), and I tried to convey to him without using words just my eyes and my face (if that makes any sense) that this next one would be tough. He spent at least 20-minutes with this patient and his family. And when he came out, you could tell he had been crying in there. I was touched by how much time President Bush spent with the patients and their families... most celebrities spend an average of 5-10 minutes visiting with patients, and this is no insult to them, I just mean to point out how President Bush truly wanted these soldiers and their family members to know that he cared for them and that he supported them. What I saw on President Bush's face was expression of a man clearly moved by the tremendous sacrifices these young men had gone through to protect this nation from the terrorists who committed these heinous acts against them. President Bush understood what this war meant to them. And that's why it makes me angry when I hear liberals and people who have never even met President Bush, and accuse him of using our soldiers as pawns for personal gain. Nothing could be further from the truth, because what I saw that day was tremendous devotion and humbleness from of a great leader. And you know what President Bush did next after stepping out of this patient's room, when he came out of the soldier's room he walked straight up to the first nurse he could thank, which happened to be me, he took my hand like he was going to shake it, and gave me a quick kiss on the cheek... (NOT in a Monica Lewinsky, sort of way, just to make that clear)... but one of deep gratitude for the care the nurses had been given this brave, patriotic, young, once strong and healthy, soldier. I'm not saying this for personal glorification, it just happened to be me that he kissed, but I'm trying to show you that President Bush sincerely loves the American soldier and only wants the best for them. He hates having to send them into harm's way to fight a war that we did not ask to get into. But he had to do it for the security of our nation. Those of us serving, understand this, we remember the attacks of 9/11. And so far, President Bush has done a damn good job of protecting us too because we haven't seen a single terrorist attack on our own turf since 9/11. BUT we have seen at least 20 terrorist plots - which have come into public awareness - that were foiled very successfully by the policies of the Bush Administration.

Another man whom I had the privilege meeting at the Army Burn Center was Senator John McCain. He too, came and visited the troops, spent time with their families and thanked them for their service to the country. Both men showed great affection and empathy for our soldiers' sacrifice in recovering from devastating burn injuries. President Bush wept for them.

Ironically, I was also working at Landstuhl, the day Barack Obama cancelled his visit to see patients at our hospital. My liberal compatriots were all excited at the prospect of meeting this "great man of hope and promise," Barack Obama. I was skeptical though, and I told them so, I said I doubt he'll come... he is not going come if he is not allowed to bring his entourage of campaign media reporters. True enough, he never showed! He cancelled. He cancelled after he just got done giving a campaign speech to a crowd of 200,000 Berliners, so that he could, as I understand it, "go to the gym!" This is deeply troubling to me, as a soldier myself and a caretaker of these good and brave soldiers who serve on the frontlines facing down the enemy daily downrange, how can a man who intends to be Commander-in-Chief treat a soldier like this... this is why I truly fear for the American soldier if he is elected.

Liberal politicians don't get it... they say "Support the troops, bring them home now!"

First, this is ironic, because this is also what Al-Quaeda and the Taliban are hoping for. But what these liberals fail to recognize or acknowledge is that our military is an all-volunteer force. Nobody has been co-erced into joining the military. And for those of still in the military today, this war has been going on long enough that we know what the deal is... we know that by electing to stay in and serve that we're looking at repeated deployments, long seperations from our loved ones, long hours of hardship, the possibility of being shot at or blown up. But we do it in service to our country to PROTECT OUR FAMILIES AND AMERICA
FROM THE RADICAL TERRORISTS WHO WANT TO DESTROY AMERICA! Trust me, what we see in Iraq and Afghanistan, we do not want see at home.

The liberals try to portray military members as these poor guys, hard on their luck, just trying to get a college education and get suckered into joining the military is the only means of accomplishing this. I believe John Kerry is a fine example of this, he said, with regards to education, "If make the most of it, you study hard, and you do your homework and you make an effort to be smart, you can do well... if you don't, you get stuck in Iraq." We don't need this kind of support. Liberals attempt to bar military recruiters from high schools, they protest and even attack ROTC programs and try to kick ROTC programs off university campuses. Trust me, if this was all about education, there are easier ways for us to get an education than going to war.

"Thanks, but no thanks... "

Its madness to see liberal politicians denegrade all the hard fought work we have accomplished in Iraq by calling for a forfeiture in announcing plans for withdrawal. Men have been asked to make tremendous sacrifices to reach the point we are at today, soldiers like the patient I described to you above. Soldiers who have suffered emotionally and physically from burn injuries, loss of limbs, loss of eyesight, and trajically loss of life in the fight for freedom from terror. Family members who have lost their loved ones. Children who have lost parents... All of these people's immense sacrifice and pain would be in vain if we do not finish the mission we set out to accomplish. And these liberal politicians calling for a time-table for withdrawal refuse to acknowledge how close we are to acheiving our mission in Iraq, we are on the cusp of victory! As of 29 OCT 2008, thirteen of the eighteen provinces in Iraq have been deemed secure enough to be handed back over to the Iraqi leadership. We are gradually withdrawing our troops, but not before due time... we are at a critical juncture.

It's hilarious, and yet frustrating, to watch politicians like Senator Barack Obama continue to deny the success of the Surge and state his refusal to vote for the surge, even with all that he has seen take place. Many soldiers' lives have surely been saved as a result of the Surge strategy. Senator McCain pushed for the Surge in Congress in 2006, and when it was implemented by President Bush and brilliantly executed by General Petraues and other great military commanders on the ground, one year later we began seeing security handovers of entire provinces in areas that were once the most volatile regions in the al-Quadea stronghold... but now they are firmly in the control of the Iraqi people... thanks to our soldiers hard work and dedication, and the Surge. Then, in September, Senator Biden came swooping down from the heavens proclaiming,

"If you want to know where al-Quaeda lives, you wanna know where Bin Laden is, come back to Aghanistan with me... where my helicopter was forced down... at 10,500 feet in the middle of those mountains. I can tell you where they are." "The superhighway of terror between Pakistan and Afghanistan where my helicopter was forced down...John McCain wants to know where Bin Ladin and the gates of Hell are? I can tell him where. That's where Al Quaida is. That's where Bin Ladin is. It's not in the country of Iraq."

Alright, Biden says the real fight is not in Iraq, it's in Aghanistan. First of all, let's just clear up one point, Biden's helicopter was not forced down by Osama bin Laden as he'd have us all believe, it was a snowstorm, and the pilot only landed because he felt it would be more prudent to err on the side of caution than take a risk with senators and generals on board. And it's funny isn't it, that Biden's bogus story about his helicopter being forced down to attack a man, John McCain, who really did have his airplane forced down. The irony of it all is simply astounding. Secondly, the fighting in Afghanistan has only picked up BECAUSE the Surge was such a success at driving the terrorists out of Iraq. The terrorists were no longer able to find safe-harbor in the towns and cities of Iraq amongst the Iraqi civilians and were forced to flee. And they fled across the desert to fight the US military in the only other location they could - Afghanistan.

"Gen. David Petraeus, the U.S. commander in Iraq, said last week there is some intelligence that Al Qaeda is shifting forces from Iraq to Pakistan and
Afghanistan. That would continue a larger trend: the departure of foreign
fighters. The Pentagon says that in early 2007, at the peak of foreign terror in
Iraq, foreign fighters made up more than 10 percent of the insurgency and were
flowing into the country at a rate of 110 a month. Now that number is 40 a
month. Many foreigners are heading for havens on the Afghanistan-Pakistan
border." - "Terror Travels: Goodbye Iraq, Hello Pakistan", Andrew Bast,
Newsweek. July 26, 2008

The terrorists are not just in Afghanistan, most of them are seeking refuge in neighboring Pakistan where the run across the Pakistan-Afghanistan border to conduct their terrorist activities, then scurry back to Pakistan where the Pakistani government has been slow to root them out. And note that these militants are not just Taliban and al-Quaeda members, they are also foreign fighters and mercenaries coming from Pakistan, Chechnya, Syria, Libya, Saudia Arabia, even Europe. Why are they so determined to fight Americans? Because they are all jihadists. Jihadists see it as their duty, according to the Islamic teachings, to wage war to impose Islamic law on non-Muslim states. In early June 2008, about 300 fighters from jihadist groups secretly gathered for a meeting in Rawalpindi, Pakistan. They made a pact to "resolve their differences and commit more fighters to another front instead: Aghanistan" (Gannon, AP, 15JUL2008). This had been the second of such gathering this year, as confirmed by Pakistani and European intelligence officials. "The message was that... Aghanistan is the fighting ground, against the Americans, there," said Toor Jul, leader of the militant group Hezb-ul Mujahedeen in a July interview. So you see, Afghanistan is where the enemy is conducting their jihad... we need to keep it that way because it seems that it would be better for America to meet them on their own turf while preserving the freedom of Aghani's and Iraqi's, then have to fight them in our cities and towns.

Some liberals will respond, "Well the jihadists wouldn't be fighting us if we hadn't invaded their country in the first place."

First of all, Aghanistan does not belong to these militants, many of them are in fact foreign fighters, and Afghanistan belongs to the Afghan people. Second, don't think the jihadists will find a way to wage their war in America if they cannot fight us in Iraq and Afghanistan. They already have tried and are still trying. Since 9/11, the U.S. government has discovered hundreds of insurgents, detainees and ordinary people in Afghanistan, Iraq, and the Horn of Africa with criminal records in the United States. One man was Mohamed al Qahtani. When he was captured, he claimed to be in Afghanistan to "learn the art of falconry." But when his fingerprints were traced, it turned out he had been denied entry into the Orlando International Airport in August 2001, a month before the Sept. 11 attacks took place. Al Qahtani has been referred to as the 20th hijacker. He's currently locked up in Guantanamo Bay. Another man, was stopped at checkpoint in Tikrit who claimed to be a dirt farmer, but a quick fingerprint check against the biometric database found he had 11 felony charges in the United states, including assualt with a deadly weapon.

Please read Washington Post's "Post-9/11 Dragnet Turns Up Surprises: Biometrics Link Foreign Detainees To Arrests in U.S." by Ellen Nakashima, July 6, 2008.

Wouldn't you rather we face them down in the mountains of Afghanistan and the sands of Iraq, than at our own homes?

I know that what is going on over there in Iraq and Afghanistan, we don't want to see in America. The brutality of these terrorists daily bombings, beheadings, my goodness their torture manual alone should scare anybody, and a pervasive sense of fear.

"How-To Manual Found in Al-Quaeda Safe House Shows Disturbing Torture Methods",2933,275341,00.html

Patient asked that I make sure people know, "We Fought like Hell" -- Battle at a smalloutpost in Afghanistan

Friday, October 31, 2008

Connecting the Dots

The economy is the hottest issue on the table this election season, but I want to remind everyone that to have economic security, we must have national security.

Attention needs to be pointed towards the acts of aggression by national powers in the world who have overtly overstepped their bounds in hostile acts towards America and other democratic nations. On August 8, 2008, as the world sat marveling at the Olympic Opening Ceremonies and as Russian Prime Minister Vladmir Putin sat just one row behind our U.S. President Bush, Russia invaded the sovereign nation of Georgia, unprovoked, alarming the surrounding democratic nations. In 1995, the Iranian president, Ahmadinejad campaigned for presidency on the promise to expand Iran’s nuclear program for the purpose of confronting whom he called, Israel “the Little Satan” and America “the Great Satan.” He continues to assert at U.N. meetings that he foresee's America’s destruction. When Iran acquires nuclear weapon capability, it will become merely a question which one, Israel or America, he plans to go after first.

Video On The Initial Phase of the Georgian - Russian Invasion

The Russians Show Contempt for the International Community

An Iranian Crowd Brainwashing Event- Immediately prior to Ahmadjihad taking the stage
- 11 Feb 2007 -

"No way will we have relations with America, our struggle with America is eternal."

President of oil-rich Venezuela, Hugo Chavez also seems to believe he is in a fight with the devil when he talks about America; He’s embraced all of our enemies from the Taliban to Hezbollah, Iran to Saddam Hussein. Venezuela and Iran have been teaming up to get the OPEC nations to cut oil supplies to raise gas prices on Americans. Meanwhile, Russia has been a supporter of Iran’s nuclear ambitions, selling them the nuclear technology and training. And Russia has also been conducting military training with Venezuela. Wonder why...?

Chavez: Russia and Venezuela Unite as Oil & Gas Giants

"OPEC members Iran and Venezuela Pushing OPEC to Slice Production by 2-Million Barrels A Day" - 24 OCT 2008 -,2933,443913,00.html

Obama failed to recognize what Russia’s invasion of Georgia signaled for sovereign democratic nations. In his statement regarding the invasion, he said he "condemned the outbreak of violence in Georgia." He condemned the outbreak of violence? Meaning, he doesn't condemn the Russian's invasion. He then said, "Now is the time for Georgia and Russia to show restraint..." Both sides!? It was the Russians who invaded Georgia. Georgians have every right to defend their homeland from intruders. Another point, if Venezuela is “such a small country and doesn’t pose a threat to us” as Senator Obama has said, then why is Russia bothering to arm them? If Iran can’t develop a long-range missile to reach us from Iran, Venezuela certainly wouldn’t have as far to go. Also, It doesn’t take much space to set up a platform to launch a missile attack at us, Mr. Obama.

'Invasion of Georgia' a '3 A.M. Moment' - How the Candidates Responded

Obama - "Iran, Cuba, Venezuela... these countries are tiny... they don't pose serious threat to us." (Oops, "Iran is a grave threat!")

Liberals bury their heads in the sand and fail to see the BIG picture - there are real forces of EVIL at work in this world threatening America – it could spell disaster if we fail to stop them. OIL may very well be what future world wars are fought over oil. The sooner America can gain energy independence from hostile nations like Iran and Venezuela, the safer we will be. God has blessed us our nation with its own oil reservoirs, we need to take advantage of it. Liberals, with their heads stuck in the sand (or stuck up somewhere...), are more concerned about keeping the environment pristine and they run around like Chicken Little crying how the sky is falling with their ill-contrived, unscientific notion of epic "global warming." They would gladly walk America right over the edge towards destruction for their "green" agenda.

Obama's Solution to Oil Crisis - Tax the Oil Production Companies... to return some of the money to the Middle Class... yeah, so the American citizens can all pay even higher prices their gas!

Obama's argument is McCain's plan to increase oil supply by drilling will not lower prices immediately since it's going to take a few years to access it, so what's the point? The point is it's a plan to increase our oil supply and decrease our dependence. An increase in oil supply cuts costs. This is based on the Law of Supply and Demand. Obama's view in terms of energy-independence is very short-sighted. We should have started drilling a long time ago! This why we find ourselves in an energy-dependent bind with our enemies as we are in now. But it's better late, than never. Why wait until our heads are held to the chopping block? Here's McCain...

Sarah Palin's proposal to drill in Alaska's ANWR which contains 4.3 and 11.8 billion barrels of recoverable oil is an even better idea - she is discussing this with Senator McCain.

ANWR - 1.5 million acres of pristine nature reserve. Book your vacation now!

This election, we are electing a President and a Commander-in-Chief. We need a Commander in Chief who will take a tough stand against terrorism, deploy our soldiers judiciously while listening to and weighing the advice of military commanders on the ground. McCain is tough on terrorism, he was the first congressman to push for a Surge in Iraq, even when it was unpopular with his own party, but the strategy secured us victory in Iraq and dramatically cut down the number of wounded troops. Meanwhile, Obama is STILL denying the surge was a success, and he says he never would have supported it! Obama acts like he knows what’s going on the ground, but he calls for withdrawal while all the commanders are telling him that his plan would be disasterous. After the success of the surge, Obama comes swooping in proclaiming “we need more troops in Afghanistan” so the military isn’t just “air raiding villages and killing citizens.” That's a load of crap, because the whole reason we’re fighting the terrorists in Afghan now is because the surge was so successful at driving them out of Iraq!!! But they still want to fight us, so they had to scurry their little butts across the sands of Iran - pausing for some re-training from the Quds forces of Iran - and take the fight into Afghanistan. Trust me, you don’t want to see them take it to our hometowns, now do you?

Iraq Now Teeming with Life - Bill Hemmer - 21 OCT 2008

As of 29 Oct 2008, thirteen of the eighteen provinces in Iraq have been handed back over to Provinical Iraqi Control.

And the latest news from the frontlines, 1 Nov 2008, "US Deaths in Iraq Plunge to Wartime Low" -;_ylt=AthVi6BtIfQHiJBb9ERLK8xvaA8F

Plus... “air raiding villages and killing civilians”, Mr. Obama... my God, I thought America learned from the sins of its hippies to never treat soldiers like that again. Well, Mr. Obama, it would not be lie to call you ‘baby killer.’ Those who don’t know what I’m talking about, google Obama’s voting record on the Illinois Born Alive Protection Act or read my article, "The Least of My Brother." FYI, Barack Obama was also the only senator to ever speak out against it.

Look, Obama, wouldn’t even pass the smell test military officers must pass to commission and gain security clearance. If elected, Obama would be the 1st president in U.S. history to require close monitoring by the FBI, CIA, NSA, and Homeland Security for connections w/ domestic terrorists (Ayers), radical socialists (ACORN), communists (CP USA, Frank Davis), radical islam supporters (Raila Odinga & Khaleed al-Mansour), PLO (Khalidi) and radical anti-American leftists (Rev. Wright, Father Phlegm, & Farrakahn) ... it certainly should make "national security" a very interesting topic of discussion.

We need a Commander-in-Chief who will lead the country in defense against rising national security threats, and not one who will waste and distract the resources of our intelligence agencies on tracking the movements and associations of a radical leftist president.

Barack Obama runs for the presidency on a platform of "making government cool again," he intends to use "diplomacy" to make the world will like us again. That's why he is willing to sit down with Ahmad-jihad without any preconditions... which really just means Obama is willing to negotiate with him. He thinks diplomacy works with rogue states. You can’t negotiate with a terrorist, Mr. Obama. When has Russia, Iran, N. Korea ever responded to the world's call for stand-down when they showed aggression. Obama wants to cut funding on “unproven missile defense systems” and “slow our development of future combat systems.” Actually, his entire plan is disarmament for America.

Obama is completely delusional if he thinks this is going to keep America safe.

The Liberals will not pull their heads out of the freakin’ sand to take a good look around them. This election, I hope Americans will look a little further beyond their family budgets and Wall Street. Not only does this lying Marxist lawyer from the Chicago thug political-machine threaten our economy and our pocketbooks, but he’s a threat to our families and way of life. When the time comes for me to have a family, I really just want a safer world for my future child(ren). Free from terrorism, radicalism, and rising communist countries – Russia, Iran, Venezuela, N. Korea, to name a few.

Obama is a lying, arrogant fool who will destroy this country if elected. Obama can sign all the treaties and negotiations he wants with characters like Ahmadjihad and Putin, but at the end of the day, they know its the toughest and who come out on top in this world. Pacifists don't win wars. And Putin’s over their smiling in the icy expanses of Russia watching that YouTube video Obama put out saying, ”I can take Obama.”

"McCain/Palin - R.I.P. Courtesy of the Middle East"

Monday, October 27, 2008

What is at Stake with This Election

The vote for TRUTH and LIFE, and our American Values!!!

The Genesis of Terror

Now, let's pretend you are an employer choosing between two applicants for a very important job. You have to decide who is best qualified to carry out the duties of this job to ensure your business is run properly, and does not go under.

Candidate A: Obama - 304 days in Congress
Candidate B: McCain - 22 years in the Military + 26 years in Congress

And his ignorance with regards to our nation's security is sufficiently evident...

... as his own running mate, Joe Biden, pointed out.

and he went on to say,
"and he's gonna need help. And the kind of help he's gonna need is, he's gonna need you... because it's not going to be apperant initially that he made the right decision." - Joe Biden, 19 Oct 2008 at a fundraising campaign in Seattle, WA.

Naivety and on-the-job training in the White House would be dangerous for America... as you can see, there's been a pattern to these attacks... and Obama would be the wrong answer to send to answer these national security threats.

Obama seems to think so we're already out of the woods and it's time to draw down arms... I fear what our nation will look like under Obama's national defense policies. No wonder Barrack Obama is so unpopular in the eyes of most American soldiers who face down these terrorists everyday on the battlefields of Iraq and Afghanistan.

US Soldiers prefer McCain - by a LANDSLIDE

It might also have something to do with the way Obama criticizes and denies the hardwork and accomplishments the soldiers have made in Iraq and Afghanistan. Democrats are quick to criticize President Bush's handling of the GLOBAL WAR ON TERROR... but I just thought you should all know...

... Foiled Terror Plots Against America since 9/11,2933,335500,00.html

So, all you liberals, you can hate President Bush all you like, but the fact is,

President Bush PASSED that test!!!


It was Senator McCain who pushed for the Surge in Iraq which helped our soldiers crush the terrorists in Iraq and run them out of the country!

Barack Obama says he supports the soldiers... But does he?

And he STILL denies the success of the surge...

Senator Obama's assertions on the the surge degrade all of the blood, sweat, and tears U.S. soldiers have sacrificed to acheive success in saving the Iraqi citizens from radical muslim terrorists.

These soldiers echo what many of us still fighting this global war on terror think about Obama's refusal to credit the surge with being a success...

Here's one man who made tremendous sacrifices for his country...

How Barack Obama honored the service of this man...

Vote for the only man in this presidential race who ever TRULY fought for America. He was offered a "get of jail free card," but he chose to remain because of his fellow soldiers. And because he refused to allow his captors to use his release as propoganda and embarress America. McCain supports the troops.

The Obama campaign mocks Sarah Palin for "lack of foreign policy experience," but you know what, she traveled to Iraq to visit the troops as an Alaskan governor long before Obama ever traveled to see what the situation on the ground was really like. And, yeah, Barack Obama chose to go to the gym instead of visit our wounded warriors. He shunned the U.S. soldiers immediately after he said this in his campaign speech to 200,000 Germans...

" People of Berlin - People of the world - This is our moment. This is our time. I know my country has not perfected itself. At times, we've struggledto keep the promise of liberty and equality for all of our people. We've madeour share of mistakes, and there are times when our actions around the world have not lived up to our best intentions."-- Barack Obama on 24 July 2008

National security is a real issue -- we need a leader who will take care of our troops, not shun them in the way Obama did when he decided not to visit the wounded soldiers so he could "go to the gym" after this campaign speech to a bunch of adoring Berliners in Germany who couldn't have told you the difference between him and Sarah Palin.

Vote for the man who has ever truly fought for America! (And oh by the way, he was also one of the guys who fought for regulation of Frannie Mac from whom Obama was the second largest beneficiary. And he fought for a commission to investigate into Frannie Mac-gate which Obama mocked). Vote for Senator John McCain.

Vote for a REAL American woman who's fought for her people. She's faced down corruption, powerful oil companies, and hasy taken care of the people who have elected her! The Alaskans love her - she has the highest popularity rating than any other Governor in America. And America will get see why when she is elected!!! Vote Sarah Palin!

Oh, the winds of change ARE coming... for those of you who stand poised to vote for Obama. And it ain't the kind of change you want, or America needs. Conservatism is a tested and proven principle that has made our nation's economy the strongest in the world. Despite what the leftist liberal media dramatics like to report. Are you going to listen to a bunch of elitist reporters who publicly destroy an average citizens like "Joe the Plumber" who simply want to ask their media darling, B. Obambi, a question? Who are they to tell us what to think. Question THEM! Why do you libs rely on them. Seek out the truth on your own. Protest biased reporting because how is America ever supposed to make an educated decision when they're being deceived by the all the time!? See the videos below to see what is NOT being reported on by most of the mainstream media...

Burning Down the House: What Cause Our Economic Crisis...

Why You Should NEVER Trust Government to Spend Your Money. Like Obama's socialist plan intends to do...

IS Obama a socialist? Well, listen to him for yourself,... Obama Audio Uncovered.

He wants to Radically Reinterpret the Constitution to Redistribute Wealth!!
In a 2001 Chicago Public Radio Interview Obama is discussing the best way to bring about a Redistribution of Wealth!!! This video exposes the radical underneath the rhetoric!!! Get ready, America, if you plan to elect Obama!

This is Marxism talking - it's exactly what Morales told Bolivians, what Chavez said to Venezuelans, what Castro told Cubans,... its the socialist #1 play. The "economic philosophy McCain believes in" = "capitalism".

More SOCIALISM!!! Here are the four principles Obama outlined:

"First, we cannot only have a plan for Wall Street. We must also help Main Street as well. Im glad that our government is moving so quickly in addressing the crisis that threatens some of our biggest banks and corporations. But a similar crisis has threatened families, workers and homeowners for months and months and Washington has done far too little to help. For too long, this administration has been willing to hit the fast-forward button in helping distressed Wall Street firms while pressing pause when it comes to saving jobs or keeping people in their homes. We already know that the credit crisis that has emerged from our largest financial institutions is becoming a credit crunch for small business owners, homeowners, and students seeking loans in big cities and small towns. Now that American taxpayers are being called on to share in this new burden, we must take equally swift and serious action to help lift the burdens they face every day."

And when faced with answering the obvious questions about their agenda to "spread the wealth," Obama's running mate balks at the questions and the reporter.

Joe Biden was so upset, that he had the Obama campaign cancel an interview the station had scheduled with his wife, Jill, along with all future interviews.

The Orlando Sentinel reports:

"Why did Barack Obama's campaign cancel a WFTV-Channel 9 interview with Jill Biden, wife of Sen. Joe Biden? The campaign cited an unprofessional interview WFTVs Barbara West did Thursday with Joe Biden. In a statement Friday, Adrianne Marsh, Florida spokeswoman for Obamas campaign, said the station, in talking with Sen. Biden, was both combative and woefully uninformed about simple facts. Marsh said Wests insistence that Obama was an organizer for ACORN was 100 percent false. In a line of questioning that would make Rush Limbaugh proud, West even went as far as to quote Karl Marx, a Communist icon, in a disturbing attempt to associate Barack Obama with socialism, Marsh wrote. West said, "I think I asked him some pointed questions... I dont think I was rude or inconsiderate to him."

LIBERALISM is the most gutless choice you can make, because all you have to do is say "I care." CONSERVATISM is real intellectual application. - Bill Buckley

Too often the liberals portray the conservative, Republicans as racists. Nothing could be further from the truth.

It was the Republican Party, founded in 1854 by anti-slavery activists who fought to free this nation slavery. The Republican party was founded in opposition to the Democrat party who favored slavery. Abraham Lincoln was the first Republican president. It was the Republicans party that presided over the American Civil War and the Reconstruction. It was the Republicans who fought for a baby's right to life. It was Republicans who fought for freedom from tyranny and terrorism during President George H.W. Bush and W. Bush's presidency. And it was the Republicans who have ALWAYS fought for freedom for our economy - freedom from government control - which has made our economy into the strongest in the world. (But shhh, that is something the leftist liberal mainstream media will never tell you, because most of them are out to destroy the conservative movement... with the help of their "Messiah.") ;)

What is astonishing is that the black community would want anything to do with the Democrat party at all. The Democrats have been the black man's enemy all along. Republicans are the only ones who ever truly fought for freedom for ALL. Barack Obama feels America should pay reparations to the black community for the sins of slavery. We payed those sins when we fought the bloodiest war in American History to rid ourselves of the sin - the Civil War. It's the Democrats who should be paying reparations. And we can make them pay that by booting them out of office!

Who is this man???

The audience members recognize this none-to-subtle gesture... Barack Obama is clearly giving Hillary Clinton "the bird!" Much to the cheers and jeers of his crowd! (Notice he hasn't said anything significant prior to the moment the crowd suddenly erupts in unison in laughter and cheering.) For those who think this might just a "slip of the finger", inconsequential, coincidental?

He does it again... but this time much more deliberately... immediately after recognizing service to America as combat veteran and POW...

Now he flips of Senator McCain:

The liberals sat on their high-horses deriding Conservatives and the McCain/Palin campaign when a Scranton Times-Tribune reporter, claimed to have heard someone shout "Kill him!" at a Palin rally. But it turned out to be bogus! The Secret Service agency takes these threats very seriously, and they investigated it. They replayed audio tapes of the entire rally, interviewed audience members and Secret Service members who were dispersed in the crowd that day... NOBODY HEARD IT! So the only person to claiming to have heard it -- was the reporter! Where is the outrage when a presidential candidate gives his female opponent and a combat war veteran the middle finger.

You don't see it because our nation has a liberal media!!! Liberals are lying, arrogant, two-faced bigots. Obama is their messiah, they have coalesced around him and refuse to report who this man really is. They ignore all his dangerous ties to radicals and domestic terrorists.

For twenty-years, Barack Obama attended this man's church. And perhaps most chilling of all, was one reporter for the New Republic observation:
"Obama, sitting in the third row with his wife and two daughters, Malia and Natasha, stands, claps, prays, and sways along with the rest of the congregation. During the sermon, he watches the preacher carefully and writes notes."

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Formatting Issues

I am sorry the formatting is a bit screwed up. I have tried fixing it multiple times, but with little success. So you may find some quotes are in huge font sizes, and gaps between some paragraphs. This is not intentional. Thank you for taking the time to read this blog and thoughtfully consider its message.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

The Least of Our Brothers

You don’t have a soul. You are a soul. You have a body.” – C.S. Lewis

On August 16, 2008, at the Saddleback Civil Forum, Barrack Obama was asked what he viewed as America’s “greatest moral failure.” He replied,

"I think America’s greatest moral failure in my lifetime has been that we
still don’t abide by that basic precept in Matthew that whatever you do for the least of my brothers, you do for me. And notion of — that basic principle applies to poverty. It applies to racism and sexism. It applies to, you know,
not having — not thinking about providing ladders of opportunity for people to get into the middle class. I mean, there is a pervasive sense I think that this country is wealthy and powerful as we still don’t spend enough time thinking about the least of these
." - Barack Obama

Video -

Obama is referencing the verse Matthew 25:40 in the Bible. Here is the verse in its entirety:

The King will reply, ‘I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the
least of these brothers of mine, you did for me
.’” – Matthew 25:40
This verse is actually taken from a call-to-action Jesus gave to the Christian church in the passage Matthew 25: 31-46. Jesus is asking his followers to protect the weakest members of their society, because by doing so, they honoring God. In Obama’s interview, he is using this verse to refer to the socio-economically lower class. But, would not the “least of our brethren” also most certainly include the life of an innocent, defenseless, voiceless baby???

Obama does not seem to think so...

When it comes to Infanticide

An “induced labor abortion” or “live birth abortion” is the abortion practice where a mother is induced into premature labor and shortly thereafter delivers a dead baby, BUT if the baby survives this procedure and is born ALIVE the infant is simply left to die, often left alive in a soiled utility room... this is infanticide.

Jill Stanek, a registered nurse who worked at the Chicago Christ Hospital, explains “Induced Labor Abortion” on the Bill O’Reilly Show -

Live birth abortion is the reason for the introduction of the “Born Alive Infant Protection Act.” The bill defined that “a live child born as a result of an abortion” should be recognized as a “human person” and thus be given “immediate protection under the law” and “all measures consistent with good medical practice” to “preserve the life and health of the child.” The legislation was called the “Illinois Born Alive Infant Protection Act.”

Why the Born Alive Infant Protection Act was Needed –

** Baby Rowan vs. Dr. Pendergast **

They were telling her to leave it… to leave it in the hallway … and let it die.”

... Obama Chooses Death... every single time.

As an Illinois State Senator, Barrack Obama was presented 3 seperate times with the opportunity to support legislation that would have put a stop to this infanticide by voting for an Illinois-version of the Born Alive Infant Protection Act, but each time, Obama killed the legislation. Not only did Obama vote against it, he criticized and denounced the legislation on the Senate floor. He voted against the protection act in both 2001, and then again in 2002. He voted “no” in both committee hearings, and voted “present” and “no” at the Senate votes. Barack Obama was the only senator to ever speak against it the Born Alive Infant Protection Act.

Listen to audio of Obama on the Senate floor in 2002 and his criticism of the Born Alive Infant Protection Act that to require doctors to provide medical care to a baby born as a result of a botched abortion would be too “burdensome” for the mother. Providing medical care to an innocent baby is not “burdensome”; to refuse medical care to a baby fighting to live in the hopes that the tiny infant will die… is infanticide. Obama has complete and utter disregard for the innocent baby who has just been ripped from his mother’s protective wound, and is now struggling to breath, struggling to live, suffering. Babies feel pain. But this is how cold-blooded and ruthless Senator Obama is...
Exhibit A:

Senate documentation of Obama’s voting history on the Born Alive Infant Protection Act -
Exhibit A: Transcript of Illinois State Senate hearing (Obama, featured on pg. 85):
Exhibit B: Transcript of Illinois State Senate hearing (Obama, featured on pg. 31):
Exhibit C: 2001 Committee Action Report (Obama votes “no”):
Exhibit D: 2001 Senate Vote (Obama votes “present”): Exhibit E: 2002 Committee Action Report (Obama votes “no”):
Exhibit F: 2002 Senate Vote (Obama votes “no”):

In 2003, a similar bill, SB 1082, passed before the Illinois Health Committee that Obama chaired. He voted against it, again. Obama claimed that it lacked specific “neutrality language” and claimed it “undermined Roe vs. Wade” – which really all “neutrality language" means is a redundant reaffirming, over and over again, that the bill only applies to infants already born, and does not grant rights to the unborn. So the Republicans in the committee added a “neutrality clause”, essentially making the bill identical to a Federal Born-Alive Infant Protection Act passed by overwhelmingly by both political parties in 2002 (which had even been approved by the most liberal members of Congress, including senators Hillary Clinton, Ted Kennedy and Barbara Boxer).

Original Illinois SB 1082 Bill (Click on “Full Text” to read the bill):

The amendment to Senate Bill 1082, was voted on by Obama and the committee and they unanimously approved replacing the initial section that stated: “…a live child born as a result of an abortion shall be fully recognized as a human person and accorded immediate protection under the law…”
...with the following to give it a "neutral clause"...
Nothing in this Section shall be construed to affirm, deny, expand, or contract any legal status or legal right applicable to any member of the species homo sapiens at any point prior to being born alive as defined in this Section.”

Yet, even after the “neutrality clause” had been unanimously approved (including by Obama) and it was inserted into the bill, Obama again voted to kill the bill.

Exhibit A: Obama votes “Yes” to the amendment as seen in DP#1 column (Do pass Amendment #1 - the “neutrality clause”), but votes “No” to passing the bill as seen in DPA column (Do Pass as Amended).

Here is a comparison made between the federally-passed Born Alive Infant Protection Act and the Illinois version. They are nearly identical; the only areas of difference in wording are inconsequential to the actual mandates of either bill. Nevertheless, Obama prevented the bill from getting past his committee.

A side-by-side comparison of the SB 1082 (2003) that Obama voted against and the Federal Born-Alive legislation, as provided by the National Right to Life organization. (Highlighted Yellow = wording in the approved Federal bill wording; Pink = defeated Illinois Senate bill) -

So, at what point does a baby get human rights, Senator Obama?

In the same interview, that Obama chastised America for failing to think about the “least of their brothers,” Rick Warren asked Obama his opinion on when baby should be guaranteed human rights.

Warren: At what point does a baby get human rights, in your
Well, I think that whether you’re looking at it from a
theological perspective or a scientific perspective, answering that
question with specificity, you know, is above my pay grade.
” (8/16/2008)
Video -
Transcript -

Considering Obama’s steadfast refusal to support any legislation in the Illinois senate guaranteeing human rights to babies who are born alive, and his opposition to babies receiving medical care and essentially an endorsement of infanticide, plus his refusal to be forthcoming on even so much as an opinion for when a baby should be afforded human rights… It must be asked of Barack Obama, how does he view a baby? Does he value God’s most precious gift to us as humans – the miracle of life - the life of a baby as a human being with a right to live and pursue a purpose and path in life? Will Obama protect the most innocent and defenseless among us – the tiny, unwanted infant?

Perhaps Rick Warren should have asked Obama at what point Obama’s two girls got their human rights. It certainly would have been an interesting answer to hear, to be sure.

But here’s another telling statement made by Barack Obama revealing his value for human life –

... A baby is a punishment?!?

No, Senator Obama, a baby is NOT a punishment. A baby is a blessing, and a baby is the “least of our brothers”…
… and as such, they need and deserve our care and our protection. Sen. Obama, meet Elora, born prematurely at 24-weeks, and a miracle survivor.

Meet Gianna Jessen… survivor of a failed abortion. Her mother attempted to abort her in a Planned Parenthood clinic by saline abortion, which by design, burns the unborn baby alive – inside and out. Gianna lives with, as she calls it, the “gift” of cerebral palsy as a result of the attempted abortion.

Here is her powerful testimony…

*** Gianna Jessen's Story: The Battle between Life and Death ***
Part 1 -

Part 2 -

Meet other survivors of botched abortion –

** Now, it is with a very heavy heart that I include these photos. I don’t want to. It turns my stomach. I can barely stand to look at them. But it must be shown that what pro-abortionists are calling a “ball of cells” and refer to as in a dehumanizing medical term, fetus, is so much more than that, it is a tiny human baby, with a tiny beating heart… made plainly evident for all to see in these photos. I have limited it to 4 photos of babies aborted at varying ages of development, and methods of abortion. I am sorry.

*** CAUTION: Graphic Content ***

Sen. Obama, meet America's tiniest victims – its abortion victims:

At 8-weeks after conception

At 10-weeks after conception

At 24-weeks after conception

Burned alive by saline abortion @ 22-weeks old.

Obama Calls Abortion Survivors "Liars"

Well, Gianna Jessen had a message for Barack Obama (and America)...

Note that the ad specifically states her message was not endorsed by any candidate; nevertheless, Obama replied with an attack ad on her and Senator McCain (even though McCain had nothing to do with the ad). Obama called the abortion survivor's message, a “sleazy ad” and a "despicable lie." Is Obama actually whining about him being attacked and dirty campaigning in what is the most despicable campaign ad ever aired? Look in the mirror, Obama. What is despicable is you as a presidential candidate who has already voted four times against legislation that would save millions of babies born alive like Gianna, now attacking one abortions few survivors by calling her life's story a "despicable lie." This is disgusting, repulsive and beneath contempt for a United States presidential candidate. Gianna is a courageous survivor and a living miracle who would not be with us today if Obama’s policies had been in place when she was born. Does Obama actually wish she had died? Because she is forcing him to answer some very tough questions.

Obama’s attacks abortion survivor Gianna Jessen -

Barack Obama, again, on August 16, 2008, in an interview with David Brody, CBN news correspondent, when asked why he voted against a Born Alive Infant Protection act, Obama called his critics "liars," stating:

And I hate to say that people are lying, but here's a situation where folks
are lying. I have said repeatedly that I would have been completely in, fully in support of the federal bill that everybody supported - which was to say --that you should provide assistance to any infant that was born - even if it was as a consequence of an induced abortion. That was not the bill that was presented at the state level. What that bill also was doing was trying to undermine Roe vs. Wade.
” – Barack Obama, 8/16/2008
Video -

So, for the reader’s convenience, the side-by-side comparison of the SB 1082 (2003) that Obama voted against, and the federally-approved Born-Alive legislation, will be posted again here. (Highlighted Yellow = wording in the approved Federal bill wording; Pink = defeated Illinois Senate bill) -

Obama lied about abortion and infanticide -

The bills are identical.

… So now, you know, who the real liar is…

... That’s Barack Obama for you.

The Least of Our Brothers

The passage Obama referenced in Matthew 25, when he spoke of caring for “the least of my brothers” is a wonderful passage in which Jesus calls upon Christians to care for and protect the weakest among them. In Barack Obama’s one-track narrow-minded view, he only considers it referring to the socio-economically disadvantaged, and uses it to promote his socialist design on America.

If abortion were merely about women’s rights… then what were mine? There was not a radical feminist standing up and yelling about how my rights were being violated that day, in fact my life was being snuffed out – in the name of women’s rights.”

I would not have cerebral palsy had I not survived all of this, So when I hear the appalling, disgusting argument that we should have abortions because the child just might be disabled … the horror that fills my heart. Ladies and gentleman, there are things that you will only be able to learn by the weakest among us. And when you snuff them out, YOU are the
one that loses, the Lord looks after them, but you are the one that will suffer forever
.” - Gianna Jessen, abortion survivor

But when asked when does he determine that a baby gets human rights, well that is "above [his] pay grade." What Barack Obama fails to recognize is that it is the babies who are the “least” among us… they are the least recognized, the least cared for, and the least protected.

But God honors their life, He honors their existance even while in a mother’s womb, and He makes it clear in his holy word, the Bible.

"For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my
mother's womb
. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully
made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place. When I was woven together in the depths of the earth, your eyes saw my unformed body. All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be"
- Psalm 139:13-16

"The word of the LORD came to me,
saying, "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the
" - Jeremiah 1:4-5

"Yet you brought me out of the womb;
you made me trust in you even at my mother's breast. From birth I was cast upon you; from my mother's womb you have been my God.
" -Psalm 22:9-10

While Barack Obama and women’s rights fanatics are quick to defend womens rights, they fail to recognize a baby’s rights... the right to life. But to appreciate a baby’s right to life one must appreciate who the architect of this baby’s life is… God. We are more than a jumble of cells conveniently working together in synchrony like the springs and wheels and gears of a clock by the design of God; God also gave life to our "jumble of cells." God gave our body life when He breathed the “breath of life” into our nostrils (Genesis 2:7). We are more than animals, because we have been given souls. It is because of our souls, that we question who we are, what our purpose in life and on Earth is, and we wonder whether we are alone in our vast universe. The animals do not ponder such things, at least they do not seem to as we do not observe them questioning the world around them and seeking out answers to these sorts of questions… they simply survive as God has innately given them the instinct to do, but we humans, we think and we contemplate about our own existence. And we do so, because it is the soul we are created to be longing to know who its creator is, and that creator is God.

Pro-abortionists deliberately and callously downplay the significance of an unborn baby by calling it a “fetus”, a ball of cells. A human baby, born or unborn, is not simply a ball of cells with nails and tiny organs – it is a soul. It is the soul of a human being. It is a soul separates a human baby from the animal kingdom, and therefore, it is these most precious of souls – innocent, pure, harmless, and defenseless – who are most deserving and most needing our protection under the law of the land. One might look at a pregnant mother and only see one person, but truly they are looking at two independent souls connected in the miraculous generation of life. As a human life, born and unborn babies must be afforded the same God-given inalienable right to the pursuit of life as those of us who are fortunate enough to make it our birth date are guaranteed to us under the Constitution of the United States. Regardless of whether a mother ever “wanted” or “planned” for her baby, it is not her decision to make whether to kill or preserve her baby’s life, because this would inherently mean that one human being in fact can have ownership/possession over the life and livelihood of another human being… an unseen, unheard, unborn baby. So in what way is this premise of ownership any different from the premise of slavery, which America fought a bloody civil war over to free itself of? Allowing abortions to be tolerated in America is the equivalent of tolerating slavery in America. A baby must be granted the same rights constitutionally as any other individual. All life must be valued, even those that cannot speak for themselves – the goodness and potential of a human life must be defended. It is not up to us to determine who should be permitted to enjoy life or see death. That is God’s decision to make. Because a baby is truly the “least among us” they require our protection under the law.

"Defend the cause of the weak and fatherless; maintain the rights of the poor and oppressed. Rescue the weak and needy; deliver them from the hand of the wicked" - Psalm 82:3-4

All the Nations Will Be Gathered Before Him

The passage in Matthew 25 that Obama referenced when he preaching about caring for the “least among us” is also prefaced with a warning.

Jesus begins it by telling us when He returns “seated on his throne in heavenly glory” on Judgment day and “all the nations will be gathered before him,” and it is made abundantly clear HE is the one true, and living God… that “he will separate the people, one from another, as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats.” -Matthew 25:31

The verse immediately following the verse Obama referenced, states “He will say to those on the left, ‘Depart from me, you who are cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels” - Matthew 25:41

And the entire passage closes with, “I tell you the truth, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me. Then they will go away to eternal punishment” and “the righteous to eternal life.” -Matthew 25:45-46

Our nation's next leader should know this passage, because this is a stern warning, not just to the individual, but to the leaders of the land. Jesus states “all the nations [will be] gathered before him”, indicating God is also concerned with what a nation does to protect the “least” of their brethren. Here is another verse showing God is concerned with the conduct of a nation...

If my people, who are called by name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will hear their land.” -2 Chronicles 7:14

Vote for Life… It is NOT above your pay grade

It is not our job, nor our place, to judge a man. But it is our duty to question whether our leaders are truly representing the values of God. As much as our liberal friends on the left squirm to hear this, America was founded as a God-fearing, Christian nation. Our Declaration of Independence declares:

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal,
that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that
among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.”

- United States Declaration of Independence. Ratified July 4, 1776.

And it is these Christian principles, upon which the Constitution was founded, which has sustained the freedoms we enjoy in this land. This Constitution has protected the freedoms to follow other religions as well, or no religion at all, but most importantly, it has sustained us and made us the greatest nation on Earth. But it’s most basic tenet, the right to life, is in jeopardy if Sen. Obama denies a baby who born into the world not of her choosing, but by the choosing of an abortionist and her mother, and is denied the medical care that would have been afforded to a “wanted” baby. It flies in the face of Christian doctrine, yet Obama touts himself as a Christian. But it is hard to see how a man can assert himself as a man of Christian faith when he coldly refuses to “defend … [and]… rescue the weak and the fatherless” or “maintain the rights… of the oppressed”(Psalm 82:3-4). Interestingly, Obama so vehemently defends his claim to be Christian that he has even deployed his Obama “Truth Squads” – local sheriffs and law enforcement, and district attorneys -- to “target” critics who “lie” (a.k.a. question) Obama’s Christianity…

Obama “Truth Squad” -
Quote from an Obama “Truth Squad” enforcer: “Somebody’s got to step up and say that’s not true, THIS is the truth.”

Well, God has a reply for the Obama’s “Truth Squad,” and it is John 14:6:

Jesus answered, I am the way and the truth and the life… If you really knew me, you would know my Father as well. From now on, you do know Him and have seen Him.” – John 14:6-7

And this final thought should be closed out with another promise Jesus made to us, “No one comes to the Father, except through me.” (John 14:6) This means, God loves us enough that even despite our sinful being, He sent Jesus to die on the cross to pay for our sins and spend three days in Hell only to conquer death by rising back up from the dead. He did all this for us, so that our sins which were preventing us from entering Heaven would be atoned for. Now we can spend eternity with Him in Heaven if we accept His sacrifice. It is not our good deeds that will earn us a ticket into Heaven because all the good deeds in the world will not wipe away a single spot of sin, so Jesus sacrificed so much for us so that now we simply need to acknowledge and acceptance His sacrifice to spend eternity with our Father in Heaven.

What is at stake this election

Punishment . . . . . . . . . . . or . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Life

*** Please choose Life. ***

Because every baby is a blessing, and thus should be a protected baby.

Additional videos and articles:

Obama & Planned Parenthood -

Obama cover-up on Born-Alive Abortion Survivors -

The History of Abortion -

.... Adorable.